Welcome back to another week of Five Minute Friday. Write five minutes flat on a word prompt.
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Distant in Space. Reach up and touch the Moon.
We climbed the mountain. Auburn butterfly hovering
over the violet
clochette-shaped wild flowers.
Sea stretching away, azure transparent, clear green.
lunar landscapes islands, slopes crash into the water.
Kekrrastic rocks.
Ryder sculpted onto the back of an
A log cabin, a deep well. Founders of the Botanical Garden
tread this path stealthily, cushioned by needle-blanketed
chocolate earth. A photograph immortalises them. Smiling
through Time.
Distant in Time. Lost to uncertain memories. The written word,
the captured image keep
Time in a Bottle, to share and enjoy
full circle. Best friends at 8, lost to the passing years
and growing up. Re-connect at 54. Electrical waves bridge
an unfathomable abyss.
Distance of Emotions. When she expressed her aching feelings
and they were dismissed, made light of, made fun of,
a laughing matter. The comic story the family told over and over.
Emotions ignored, facts reported twisted into fiction imagined.
Fire ! Fire ! Wolf ! Wolf ! Burnt to ashes, eaten alive.
From frying pan to fire.
Distance of Opinions. Harmony of ying and yang. Creamy dough
of feminine flour and masculine butter. Clash of
pater rostra
and questioning
fila pequena. Gorge of misunderstanding : a woman's role,
a man's role versus a human being striving to survive to lead an equal,
balanced, fulfilling life.
Distance of Culture. The Hundred Years' War gathers like a storm cloud
over the Channel of my birth. Lightening strikes once, twice, again and again,
always hitting the same frail tree. You land me a blow, I get up and stare you
down defiantly.
Distance of Manners. Je fais fie de vos conventions. They are chains
and I am not a slave, nor a caged bird. My wings are delicate, engineered
to fly up, up and away like that beautiful balloon of my dreams.
Distance of Character. My genes have spoken, my likes, my dislikes are my own.
The battles I fight serve my survival and the bliss of loved ones.
If you do not wish to dance in my circle and take my hand, be gone with you.
The Distances have crept up unawares. The bridges that we thought were made
of stone have fissured and crumbled. The arches have toppled and stunned us dizzy.
I have lost a friend. You have severed a tie, imagining your unease is at the origin
of all your problems. I am but the tip of the iceberg of your own making that
you are intent on ramming your head against.
Turn your wheel away, and stir clear. The wind will once again fill your sail and carry
you towards clement lands.
I am content to share my hard-fought ice with my friends the penguins, polar bears
dolphins and whales. Basking in the clear air and rainbow skies.
La Garrigue, Lac de St Cassien, Côte d' Azur, July 2019
Street art Nice, Côte d' Azur, July 2019
Exhibition : Empress Sissi's Wardrobe
Opatja, Croatia, July 2019
National Park Velebit Mountains
View over Pag islands, Croatia.
Rock formation. Velebit mountains.
Morning moon over Pag Island
Gajac, Croatia
Johnny Cash,
Live at Folsom Prison go here
It's Raining Again,
Jim Croce,
Time in a Bottle,
Simon and Garfunkel, Wake Up Little Suzie,
go here
Thank you for visiting. Please feel free to comment, discuss, like or dislike. And I will be sure to reply.