Here is my contribution to the A to Z Challenge of April 2019.
This is the first time I am participating in this challenge, so we'll see if I have the stamina to complete the whole month ! Nearly there !
I was also, very ambitiously, writing for the April NaNoWriMo ! So the challenge was twofold !! But I'm behind in the NaNoWrite, 1500 words out of 10 000 because I'm concentrating on research and building bridges with my contacts.
Hang on to your horse and enjoy the ride. And good luck to all my fellow participants.
If you would like to know more about the A to Z Challenge over the years go here
For today's Host Post go here
Y is for WHY
Why the First World War. Why Wako
Why Hitler Why Cocaïne
Why Vietnam WhyPollution
Why Slavery Why Torture
Why Racism Why Paris
Why the Inquisition Why Madrid
Why Beirut Why Strasbourg
Why Constantine Why Christchurch
Why Bocassa
Why Amin Dada
Why Biya
Why Caligula
You can be Gandhi
You can be Martin Luther King
You can be St Francis of Assise
You can be Mandela
You can be Leon Blum
You can be Churchill
You can be Cousteau
You can be the Dalaï Lama
You only have to believe.
You too can become Greta Thunberg
WAR, full album U2. go here
Thank you for reading. Feel free to comment, react and I will be sure to reply promptly.
One day left. Have a pleasant 'Y' day.