Here is my contribution to the A to Z Challenge of April 2019.
This is the first time I am participating in this challenge, so we'll see if I have the stamina to complete the whole month ! Nearly there !
I was also, very ambitiously, writing for the April NaNoWriMo ! So the challenge was twofold !! But I'm behind in the NaNoWrite, 1500 words out of 10 000 because I'm concentrating on research and building bridges with my contacts.
Hang on to your horse and enjoy the ride. And good luck to all my fellow participants.
If you would like to know more about the A to Z Challenge over the years go here
For today's Host Post go here
If you would like to know more about the A to Z Challenge over the years go here
For today's Host Post go here
V is for VICTORY
Don't Cry Victory too Soon !
Just around the Corner, it Lurks.
Choose the right Alleyway.
Suffer the Cobblestones.
Tread between the Cracks.
Gather Friends along the Way.
Listen, discuss, Vent
your Ideas, Progress. Build
on your Gut instincts. Brick by Brick.
Sketch a plan, Stretch Bridges
Across every Divide.
Speak your Mind but Learn
to compromise.
Keep your Integrity.
Keep your Sanity.
Climb the Ladder,
Rung by Rung.
Reach to the Stars,
the Outer Universe.
Fall gently back to Firm
Ground. Close Ranks and March.
Through the Fields,
Along the Lanes.
Take the Train.
Discard your Luggage.
Tread Carefully.
Map the Streets.
Knock on Doors.
Swell your Vessel.
Urge the Wind to Collect Strays.
Cement Loyalties, Rock Solid.
The Dark Alleyway Opens
onto a Grand Avenue.
At its Apex,
Like a Beacon, Victory
Awaits in the Wings
With Open Arms.
The King's Speech, film by Tom Hooper with Colin Firth, 2010, extract go here
The Radio recording of King George VI 's Speech go here
To know more about the film go here
Churchill's Speech go here
The Fool's Overture, SUPERTRAMP, go here
Arc de Triomphe, Paris , October 2010. Tagged by the "Gilets Jaunes" November 2018.
The London Eye, 2005. We first saw it in 2006.
A Circle is what makes the World go Round.
Firenze. The Victory of the Renaissance.
Venezia. Basilica San Marco.
When East meets West.
Byzantium and Occident.
Victory over the Acqua Alta in Venice
Flag of Venice
Thank you for reading. Please feel free to comment and I will be sure to reply.
Showers and Sunshine forecast for today. Around 19ยบ C in the afternoon.
See you tomorrow for letter W.