Life in Poetry reading, writing, reflecting

Life in Poetry reading, writing, reflecting
April showers bring May flowers

Wednesday, 22 September 2021

⌗Friday Fictionneers

 Welcome to another photo prompt from the Friday Fictionneers blog hop.

If you would like to join in the fun , please visit Friday Fictionneers

thank you to Liz Young for her photo prompt today.

Gordon ran, ran and jumped up each step, mirrored by a million windows of blinding bulbs. They were definitely after him. He couldn't hide among the myriad perpetual staircases leading up to no rooms or hallways. He couldn't warp into another time frame and he couldn't cease to breath: he was immortal.

His thoughts thrashed and boiled, his eyes darted, his body writhed. A trickle of cold sweat finally woke him up to the golden rays playfully dancing on the dresser.

"Honey, what a nightmare, I was in Blade Runner, but nowhere near as handsome as Harrison Ford. I think maybe that was the worst part."


Thanks for reading. Don't forget to look up what the other scribblers have imagined on the linkiz page.


Monday, 20 September 2021

⌗WRITING WEEKEND-Ramshackle-A Yard so Beautiful


If you'd like to join or know more visit Sammi at sammi's scribbles

This week

How could a plain yard be so beautiful ?
A ramshackle of objects tumbled
from each, every room
of this foreboding house.

A four-post bed stripped of varnish,
mould creeping up its legs
saw the births of George, Ann, 
Terry, Benjamin, Gloria; the deaths
of a parson, a banker, a billionaire.

An imposing Ming vase: a lovers' bridge,
a dragon spitting fire from a rocky ledge;
a wooden dolls' house, an exact replica,
complete with furniture, right down

to a cracked enamel washbasin,
a rugged counter with a grey plaster fish.
All strewn across memories below
falling snow.

Thanks for reading

Friday, 17 September 2021

⌗Friday Fictioneers - Photo prompt Paddle- Paddling up the ORINOCO

 HAPPY Friday. Welcome to the Friday Fictioneers' blog hop, hosted by Rochelle.

Thanks to Keith for introducing me to this fun excuse to write our heart's out and share with so many talented scribblers.

This week's prompt

'Well, I certainly hope he's enjoying himself,' she thought. 

Karen saw herself in a bark canoe paddling up the Orinoco with Alexander Von Humboldt in 1799. Windsurfing had been bad enough on her back ! She far preferred sailing on a twelve-footer along rugged coasts off Porquerolles or Belle-île. What was this crazy new fashion ! She rather pictured herself on a mirrored lake working oars with her Grandpa in Scandinavia or the Dordogne. Maybe she'd take a leap and go in for Kite-surfing.

"Is that the time! Gaspard, you're running in circles, let's take that walk," she said out loud to his ghost.

susanbauryrouchard, Toulouse, France.

Thursday, 2 September 2021

⌗IWSG-September 2021-Success or earnings ?

   Thank you to all my followers on Blogger and Wordpress for their support and praise for my poem Trapped by the Undertow, published 1st May 2021 on Bandit  Read More section Poetry.

And for their encouragement on the publication of my poem CARTHAGE in ORBIS quarterly Literary Journal June 2021, Issue 196. Subscriptions on

Welcome to

Another writing day for the Insecure Writers' Support Group

Thank you to the co-hosts for this month.
They are

September question : How do you define success as a writer ? Is it holding your book in your hand ? Having a short story published ? Making a certain amount of income from your writing ?

as always, the response is optional ... in my insecure case, even somewhat embarrassing.....

Not many publications and very scanty feedback on these few... no, my door is not clogged up by fan mail through the letter box... some mention in the magazines I've published in, lavish praise from present and past tutors and polite comments on my blog that is the sum of the visible 'success' attached to my writing.

However, what is always encouraging is the flame of passion which courses through my veins when dreaming up plots, metaphors, dialogues or descriptions. Finding the exact word which encompasses all I am feeling; the picture in my mind's eye of the perfect setting and unfolding of a story or an atmosphere.
Success can only be measured for me if I manage through my poems or stories to share fully with readers this passion. Any comments which reveal a kindred emotion add to a growing list of confidential prizes which I cherish and bask in whenever the dark hand of 'giving up' looms.

To all and sundry, a message of hope which will shed a welcome glow on the stormiest day: HANG IN THERE and keep writing and sharing your "Joie de Vivre" with the world.

Thank you for stopping by and Happy IWSG day, may this month's posts swell your heart with companionship and compassion.

inspiration in walks 
village bliss