
Thursday 16 May 2019

⌗SunshineBloggerAward Nominations, May 16th 2019

Good Morning.
Although I am still behind in my AtoZ challenge blog visits and commenting, I would like to , without further ado,  dedicate a special post for my Sunshine Blogger Award Nominations.

Sonia Dogra , whom I warmly thank again, from A Hundred Quills, whose blog has enabled me to travel through the A to Z Challenge of April 2019, to new places and new ideas  go here
Sonia who is a regular and faithful follower kindly nominated me for the Sunshine Blogger Award this month.

So how does this work ?


1. Thank the blogger who nominated you.
2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
3. Nominate 11 new bloggers to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
4. List the rules and display sunshine blogger award in your post/ on your blog.
5. Notify nominees about it by commenting on one of their blog posts.

Sonia's Questions to me and my answers :

1) Tea or Coffee?
Tea for Breakfast (4 mugs, with semi-skimmed organic milk); Coffee mid-morning (2 mugs with French organic soja milk); Herbal Tea at Lunch (organic: detox, relaxing, fat-burner !, sinus trouble)
2) Early bird or night owl?
Early Bird: the light and birds wake me up, later in Winter. 6 hours sleep at night. I write in the morning.
And Night Owl: I watch movies and series, then read for 1 hour before sleep. I have a nap in the afternoon (1 to 1&1/2 hours)
3) Practical or theoretical?
Both: Putting theory into Practice. 
I like to analyse a lot before acting. I am practical with my hands and very down to earth when faced with decisions. However I am also a dreamer and a hopeless romantic ! 
I have a tendency to act and speak on impulse however. I will speak my mind and appear blunt but I have been working on it for a long time now, so it's family and close friends who suffer the most from this fault (but then again they are used to me and forgive? me, I hope) That is why I prefer to write letters, or emails or texts rather than speak on the telephone. As my father-in-law says, "the telephone is to transmit an information" !
4) what’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
'Let People go' : do not try to change them; forget about them if they are assholes ! (which proves very difficult sometimes).
5) what really makes you angry?
Injustice, bad decisions. Technology that doesn't work (I have been known to bash on computers!). I do not hit people !
6) If you could start your life all over again,what would you do differently?
Nothing really. Everything was for a purpose. Every experience was a lesson for future use. The things I would like to change were out of my hands.
7) what was the single best realisation, you have ever had?
That I had to be who I was and not who somebody else wanted me to be (or thought I was.
8) which book has influenced you the most?
A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving.
9) do you believe in luck? Why?
Not really. I believe in opportunities, that you seize or not. You make your own luck.
10) what’s next on your bucket list?
Travel to India.
11) favourite quote?
More like a motto: Live and let Live

My Nominees :

1/ Arlee Bird for his longitude as a Blogger and an A to Z organiser, also his inspiring Battle of the Bands posts. Tossing it Out  go here

2/ Toi Thomas for her great advice on writing (posts on IWSG, Insecure Writers' Support Group) and reading (reviews on Goodreads). ToiboxOfWords go here

3/ Alex J. Cavanaugh for his hosting of the very useful, inspiring and encouraging Insecure Writers' Support Group and his posts on Sci-Fi writing and movies. go here

4/ Roland Clarke for his captivating stories, great comments and faithful follower. Writing Wings
go here

5/ Yvette Carol for her undying friendship and support, who introduced me to the IWSG and to Toastmasters and who was my first follower on my blog on Blogger (January 2013). Her posts are full of advice, sharing what she has learnt as a writer and self-published author and from whom she has learnt. A feature I love is her many quotes, all more inspiring than the next.
go here

6/ GigglingF.  for her soul-lifting and fun posts. No Love for Fatties go here
7/ Ronel for her outlandish stories. Ronel the Mythmaker go here
8/ Kurt R.A. Giambastiani for his expert blogging on a wide range of subjects. Words and Works from a Seattle Author  go here
9/ N.F. Mirza for her passionate poetry and heartfelt posts, her sharing other blogs and her dedication to helping others. Stoneronarollercoaster go here
10/ Debbie for her friendly posts and hosting of the Blogger Club UK, Linky. My Random Musings go here
11/ Tammy B for her Morning coffee posts, all more interesting than the last, and introducing me to Five Minute Friday. Tammy's Reading/Writing Life go here

My Questions for Nominees :

1/ Between Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter You prefer...Why ?
2/ You like to write: Where ? When ? Alone ? With a Workshop ?
3/ What is your favourite Sound ?
4/ You can choose to go anywhere (in the World) into the Countryside, where would you go ?
5/ Who would you like to interview (a person from the past or present...or future !) ? What questions would you ask ?
6/ Your favourite clothes, outfit ?
7/ Your favourite author ?
8/ Your favourite Music ?
9/ Your favourite Painter ?
10/ Your favourite Film Director ?
11/ Your favourite Poem ? If you can, include it.

Thank you for reading and participating. Now it's up to you. Keep the ball rolling.
Alex Honnold in Free Solo go here
National Geographic , Oscar for Best Documentary, 2019.
fascinating, stressful, heart lifting . Alex has such passion but also such wisdom. Such dedication, Alex appears very balanced, has a Foundation to help isolated villages around the World to acquire power through solar devices. A remarkable Human Being.