
Saturday 11 May 2019

⌗FMF, May 10th 2019, PRACTICE

It's Friday again. Time flies !
Another post for Five Minute Friday. Write five minutes flat on a word prompt.

I you would like to know more about this writing group and maybe join go here
You don't have to be a christian to write for this group. Some blogs are very christian oriented, others aren't. As I explain in my FMF, REWARD, Friday 22nd March, I am not a practicing christian. I believe in other greater things. If you'd like to know more  go here

Our Prompt for Today is Practice, which I find very appropriate for this group, as practicing writing from prompts every week really sparks the creative light.


Practice makes perfect. At least, we strive towards that goal. The more you write, the better you get. Reading is also essential practice : you listen, you observe, you learn, you emulate ! While you write you also practice thinking. Putting thoughts and ideas on paper, helps to clarify them and thus you take an extra step in the process of thinking things through. It is even more efficient if you write longhand with a fountain pen. Practicing your handwriting enebles you to practice your thought process. And you are creating at the same time a work of art akin to drawing.
Practicing writing about emotions is also a good way to come to terms with them in a dispassionate way. Sometimes speaking them can prove too difficult.

So write your heart out, your rage, your joys : you are practicing at becoming a better person.

Some authors I emulate :


Kenneth Koch,   Making your own Days,  self-help book on reading and writing poetry go here
Kenneth Koch,  One Train, collected poems, Bollingen Prize go here

Billy Collins,  Aimless Love, New and Selected Poems go here

Carol Ann Duffy, Selected Poems go here


John Irving, last-night-in-twisted-river

Paul Auster  The_New_York_Trilogy

and also

Robertson Davies
Margaret Atwood
Alice Monroe, Short stories
Carol Shields
Margaret Forster

Practicing in sports

Rafael NADAL, tennis,  go here
and go here

Thank you for reading. Please feel free to comment below, discuss, agree, disagree, and I will be sure to reply.