of the roof gutter. Could I
change into that bird, shed my scales
and spread my wings.
I am just aflutter in the wind.
A sum of countless mothers
and fathers on the brim.
Squeezed between forbears
and children, who, like peaceful
doves, take off and find their twin.
My sister now gone and I alone
have caught up with her age,
her rage.
The Caan and Able myth
sealing her fate, one Saturday
A train of thought led to
her demise at a solid station.
The driver, a pawn in her scheme
unable to go back to sleep and face
another day at his post.
A farewell letter lingers
passed from hands to heart
forcing on us the irrevocable.
The thin line
changing our lives forever.
Were I to become that twit
enjoying its bath,
careless, free,
no cat predator to be seen.