Life in Poetry reading, writing, reflecting

Life in Poetry reading, writing, reflecting
April showers bring May flowers

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

reward is in the writing

Rejection and Reward (June 2009)

It was a spiffing bit of poetry.
Rhyming lines and bouncing
rhythms. It was about my wee
Alice who when just a babe,
bubbling bubbles would rock
herself to sleep.

Startling images and rich assonance
it held. Meaning seeped up
from colourful words, reverence
for darling daughter peeped
out from stanzas, beats and feet.

Oh woe that my reader should
reject this wonderful piece.
See what you're missing; if only
you could I shouted to the heavens
in Greece. Reward lies in the writing,
that's the feat !

©Susan Baury Rouchard

Friday, 12 April 2013

writing buddy near Toulouse

Dear Fellow writers,

looking for writing buddies near Toulouse, FRANCE.
Welcome Marilyn.