
Sunday 5 May 2019

⌗SundayBrunch, April 5th 2019

Hello there and Welcome to my blog Life in Poetry . The A to Z April Challenge has got me used to posting every day ! But I've slackened a tat. Every other day, Wednesday, Friday (FMF) and Sunday. Although tomorrow is the sign-up for Reflections on the A to Z Challenge, running till May the 17th.

Sunday Brunch

Wake up, not too late
to greet the morning sun.
After the dew has dried.
When the chicadoos
are still chirping .

Before the sparrows
and wrens disappear
to roost away
the midday

Enter Perico's, find
a seat in a booth.
Fake red leather 
couch. Imitation wood

Salt and pepper
shakers crowd
with a cup of brown
sugar. A bottle of Maple

juggles its shoulders
between the Ketchup
and Brown Sauce.
Greet Mandy,
with her frilled

white apron, her name
tag, her rigid cap.
Sip at the icy water
she has poured for

Clutch the menu.
Your three buddies
screw their eyeballs
and rub their swollen

What would wake
their bodies and minds
on this Sunday
of rest ?

' I'll have red beans
and hash browns to
follow half a grapefruit.
Then a large stack

of pancakes with warm
butter and cream.
I'll finish with a blueberry

To drink ? Tea with cool
How about you ?

Is your mouth watering yet ?
Music I was listening to this morning inspired me.

At Alfonzo's Pancake Breakfast by Frank Zappa. To listen go here
The full Apostrophe Album, as the songs run into each other !

I've always admired what a great guitar player Frank Zappa was. To listen to him on the record
Shut Up, and play yer Guitar  go here
Frank Zappa , the Showman, live concert go here

The Rolling Stone Album Guide (2004) writes: "Frank Zappa dabbled in virtually all kinds of music—and, whether guised as a satirical rocker, jazz-rock fusionist, guitar virtuoso, electronics wizard, or orchestral innovator, his eccentric genius was undeniable."[\

To know more about Frank Zappa  go here

and the memory of an American Brunch I took at Perico's Restaurant, Albuquerque, June 1991.
It was my first trip to the States and Out West since we toured in 1970 with my parents.
This time, we were 5. My future husband, two friends from my Business School and one whom I had met during my time in Equatorial Guinea.
The night before, we had travelled from Paris via New York and Huston.

Thank you for reading. Please feel free to comment, give your opinion, evoke your own memories, I am always interested. I will also be sure to reply. There is nothing like striking up a good conversation !

Have a pleasant Sunday.
April weather here in Toulouse. Mitch-mitch as the Catalan would say !