
Saturday 23 March 2019

#FMF Five Minute Friday challenge, March 22nd, 2019, REWARD

It’s Friday again. We are officially in Spring. 
I am participating in the FMF, writing challenge.
Write for five minutes flat every Friday and post your entry on your blog and on the Facebook group FMF. You don’t have to be on “fesses-bouc” as we chide in French, to participate.
Just go to the Landing page
And follow instructions.

As I didn’t have the prompt on Friday morning (French time, you were all still asleep !), I improvised and started writing about something completely different : Equality, following a series of conferences/debates going on in Toulouse this week. So that post you will get later today or tomorrow.

However, here is my contribution to the prompt.

Rejection and Reward (June 2009)

It was a spiffing bit of poetry.
Rhyming lines and bouncing
rhythms. It was about my wee

Alice who when just a babe,
bubbling bubbles would rock 
herself to sleep.

Startling images and rich assonance
it held. Meaning seeped up
from colourful words, reverence

for darling daughter peeped
out from stanzas, beats and feet.

Oh woe that my reader should
reject this wonderful piece.

See what you're missing; if only
you could, I shouted to the heavens
in Greece.

Reward lies in the writing,
that's the feat !

©Susan Baury Rouchard 

I don’t believe in heavenly rewards, only earthly ones. I think you create the opportunities for reward yourself in life by staying true to your inner being and living everyday with gratefulness, respect and compassion.

Although I am glad to write as part of this group, with Kate, I do not believe in God. I believe in Nature and the laws of Physics. I was baptized an Anglican Protestant and brought up within Christian traditions, more than Christian faith. I enjoy going to Church and sharing a spiritual moment, but I enjoy it just as much in a mosque as I do in a Bhuddist Temple or under the roof of La Case a Palabre in an African village.
I respect and accept all human religions as I do their followers, except if their faith is turned into hate, like it was last Friday in Christchurch.

However, I fundamentally believe that the Big Bang created life in the Universe and that the Big Crunch will end it. I also believe that human beings descend from apes, following Darwin’s theories of evolution and that ‘Lucy’ is one of all our common ancestors, ALL from the Rift Valley in Eastern Africa to Homo Sapiens Sapiens. The change in the color of our skins stems from generations of living under certain, different climates but climate did not alter any other Homo Sapiens Sapiens common traits.

I believe that education, knowledge and keeping the memory of the whole of the Earth’s and its inhabitants’ history alive in the minds of young and future generations is the duty of every human beings.
However, I also believe that we are all free to tell stories, perpetrate traditional legends and dream the day away, after all, that is what makes us human, our thoughts, our imaginations.

As long as we cut a CLEAR line between FACT and FICTION.

Have a pleasant weekend. Please react, comment and I will be sure to reply. Sharing is what brings Peace into this world.

Thank you for reading.

Susan Baury Rouchard
Imagine, John Lennon, Lyrics